"Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar." -Percy Bysshe Shelley
Prior to taking RE 5130, I had mixed feelings about reading, writing, and teaching poetry. However, my feelings toward poetry have significantly changed. The quote above by Percy Bysshe Shelley embodies why my feelings toward poetry have shifted. Through reading and writing various poems throughout the semester, I have realized that poetry is truly an experience. Some of my favorite poems have taken everyday objects and turned them into something beautiful. Through reading several poems that can act as mentor texts for my own writing, I have felt less stressful during the poetry writing process.
Along with reading and writing poetry, I also feel more confident as I enter the classroom to teach poetry. I have engaged with several books and poems that will provide mentor poems for my students as they begin to write their own poems. Along with reading various poems, the Anderson Reading Clinic Literacy Casts have also helped me develop more confidence in teaching poetry. While this semester has looked vastly different than we expected, I feel that these zoom sessions have brought some light into our lives. I have thoroughly enjoyed observing Dr. Frye, Dr. Ward, and Dr. Dehart teach literacy lessons in an online format. My favorite part has been seeing how passionate the students are about poetry as Dr. Frye leads them through a shared writing experience prior to providing them an independent writing challenge. The students are so eager to participate and I hope to develop this type of passion for poetry in my future students.
Reading Poetry
Throughout the semester, we were challenged to read various poems in children's books and other texts. Along with engaging in poems that were assigned, I also developed a strong passion for poetry through reading poems that were on my bookshelf at home. My favorite poet is Rupi Kaur and I felt so inspired as I reread her book, "Milk and Honey". I have attached two of my favorite poems by Rupi Kaur below:

Writing Poetry
Prior to this semester, I honestly disliked writing poetry. I related poetry to textbooks and lectures that I received throughout school. However, through the use of mentor texts, I feel more confident about writing poetry. I have really enjoyed engaging in the writing process as I have focused more on the environment around me. I have been able to slow down and consider my surroundings and the emotions that are associated with our daily experiences. I look forward to teaching my future students in the format that Dr. Frye taught us rather than the traditional "textbook" method.
My favorite poems that I have written are featured below:
